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Title: Zdravstvena ispravnost flaširane vode sa aspekta kvaliteta vode i ambalaže
Other Titles: The influence of water and packaging quality on bottled water health safety
Authors: Ivana Trajković
Milka Vidović
Milica Sentić
Popović, Slađana 
Jovana Perendija
Editors: Miodrag Milovanović, dipl. ing.
Prof. dr Stevan Prohaska, dipl. ing.
Keywords: flaširana voda, PET, ambalaža, zdravstvena ispravnost, kontrola kvaliteta, regulativa;bottled water, PET, packaging, food safety,quality control, regulative
Issue Date: 2018
Rank: M52
Volume: 5
Issue: 6
Start page: 39
End page: 52
Pod pojmom flaširane vode podrazumeva se voda koja se pakuje u zdravstveno ispravnu ambalažu i koja je na tržištu dostupna za ljudsku upotrebu. Kod potrošača postoji još uvek nedovoljna upućenost u značaj pojedinih sastojaka i njihovo štetno ili korisno dejstvo na ljudski organizam a u svetu postoji mnogo zakonskih akata u kojima su normirani parametri kvaliteta flaširane vode. Da bi se ocenio uticaj kvaliteta ambalaže na kvalitet flaširane vode neophodno je istovremeno sagledati regulativu iz obe oblasti. Podaci koji se navode na deklaraciji nedovoljni su za sagledavanje kvaliteta same vode koja se flašira, a nema ni ukazatelja na potencijalno
toksične elemente koji mogu migrirati iz ambalaže u vodu. Iako se voda pakuje u PET koji se smatra inertnim materijalom, određene komponente koje se dodaju pri proizvodnji PET materijala mogu da migriraju u vodu koja se prema tome mora redovno kontrolisati. Deklarisanje ovakvih proizvoda mora pratiti ažuriranje i praćenje potencijalno toksičnih parametara u skladu sa evropskom i svetskom regulativom. Uticaj ambalažiranja, transporta i skladištenja na promenu kvaliteta flaširanih voda sa aspekta potencijalno toksičnih supstanci, do sada je već pokazan u mnogim studijama u svetu, ali su retke studije iz ove oblasti u našojzemlji.

The term bottled water refers to the water that is packaged in a health-correct packaging and that is available on the market for human consumption. Consumers still have insufficient knowledge of the importance of certain ingredients and their harmful or beneficial effects on the human body. Nowdays there are many legal acts in the world that regulate the quality of bottled water. In order to assess the impact of packaging quality on the quality of bottled water, it is necessary to look at the regulation, both in the field of water and in the field of packaging polymer. The information provided on the declaration is insufficient to see the quality of
the bottled water itself, and there is no indication of the potential toxic elements that can migrate from the packaging into the water. Although PET is considered as inert material according certain components that are added to PET production can migrate in the
water, that must be regurarly controlled. Declarations of such products must follow the updating and monitoring of potentially toxic parameters in accordance with European and world regulations. The impact of packaging, transport and storage on the change of bottled water quality from the aspect of potentially toxic substances has been shown in many studies in the world, however, studies of this type are rare in our country.
Voda i sanitarna tehnika 5-6: 39-52
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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