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Title: The genus Inversotyphlus Strasser, 1962, stat. nov. and Inversotyphlus ammirandus sp. nov., a new bizarre, highly modified troglobiotic millipede (Diplopoda, Julida, Julidae) from Albania, Balkan Peninsula
Authors: Antić, Dragan 
Akkari, Nesrine
Keywords: Cave;;Dinarides;;Hygropetric;;Millipede;;Modified mouthparts;;Taxonomy;;Typhloiulini;;Typhloiulus.
Issue Date: 2023
Rank: M22
Journal: ZooKeys
Volume: 1184
Start page: 65
End page: 80
Inversotyphlus Strasser, 1962, stat. nov. is raised to the genus level and a new hydrophilous species, Inversotyphlus ammirandus sp. nov., is described from the second deepest pit in Albania. This species is characterized by a highly modified head and body for a presumably semiaquatic or hygropetric life and filtering diet. It is by far the most bizarrely modified cave-dwelling julid known. The new species is diagnosed, described in detail, and richly illustrated. Besides I. ammirandus sp. nov., the genus Inversotyphlus stat. nov. includes six species: I. clavatus (Antić, 2018), comb. nov., I. edentulus (Attems, 1951), comb. nov., I. gellianae (Makarov & Rađa, 2006), comb. nov., I. gracilis (Antić, 2018), comb. nov., I. lobifer (Attems, 1951), comb. nov., and I. opisthonodus (Antić, 2018) comb. nov. The subgenus Attemsotyphlus syn. nov. is here considered as a junior subjective synonym of the genus Inversotyphlus stat. nov. Notes are given on the habitat of I. ammirandus sp. nov., the taxonomy of the tribe Typhloiulini and the genus Inversotyphlus stat. nov., and adaptive modifications of the mouthparts.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1184.113498
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