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Title: Contribution of Darinka Milovanović (1900-1983) to the algological researches in Serbia
Authors: Cvijan, Mirko
Fužinato, Sanja 
Keywords: Algae;Darinka Milovanović;Serbia
Issue Date: 2010
Rank: M52
Journal: Sveske Matice Srpske
Issue: 51
Start page: 37
End page: 53
This paper is a review of all localities in Serbia, as well as of algal taxa recorded in these localities by Darinka Milovanović. The review is based on the analysis of the works published by Darinka Milovanović according to the relevant bibliography over the period from 1949-1978. Besides, detailed revision of all algal taxa, and harmonization of their names with contemporary algological literature was done. Thus, it was established that D. Milovanović has analyzed alage collected from 22 localities (from some on one occasion, and from some on several occasions) ant that she has recoreded 573 algal taxa in all. Out of these, 47 taxa belong to Cyanoprokaryota, 67 to Hromophyta, 82 to Euglenophyta and 377 do Chlorophyta. Few taxa, which for some reasons are considered problematical, are separated and are not included in the mentioned number.
Serija prirodnih nauka 14
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