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Title: Association and epistasis of miR-137 and adenosine to inosine RNA editing enzymes in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Authors: Đurica, Svetlana
Šviković, Saša
Pantović, Maja
Karanović, Jelena 
Brajušković, Goran 
Romac, Stanka
Ivković, Maja
Savić Pavićević, Dušanka
Issue Date: Nov-2013
Rank: M62
Citation: Đurica S, Šviković S, Pantović M, Karanović J, Brajušković G, Romac S, Ivković M, Savić Pavićević D. Association and epistasis of miR-137 and adenosine to inosine RNA editing enzymes in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Book of Abstracts: 8. VI Congress of Serbian Neuroscience Society. Beograd, Srbija. 14-16. novembar, 2013.
Project: Analysis of the structural genome changes as a diagnostic and prognostic parameter of human diseases 
Series/Report no.: Book of Abstracts: 8;
Conference: VI Congress of Serbian Neuroscience Society
Appears in Collections:Conference paper

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