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Title: Ligninolytic enzyme production by Lenzites betulinus on selected plant raw materials
Authors: Knežević, Aleksandar 
Milovanović, Ivan
Stajić, Mirjana 
Vukojević, Jelena 
Keywords: Laccase;Lenzites betulinus;Oak sawdust;Mn -dependent peroxidase;Versatile peroxidase;Wheat straw
Issue Date: Jan-2011
Rank: M51
Publisher: Matica srpska
Journal: Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke
Issue: 120
Start page: 333
End page: 338
To get a better insight into the ligninolytic system of Lenzites betulinus, the effect of wheat straw and oak sawdust, as carbon sources, on production of Mn-oxidizing peroxidases and laccase, under solid-state and submerged fermentation, was studied. Obtained results revealed considerable differences related to the both factors affecting enzyme activities. Wheat straw was more favorable carbon source for Mn-oxidizing peroxidases and oak sawdust for laccase activity. Solid-state fermentation of wheat straw was optimal for Mn-dependent peroxidase activity (72.1 Ul-1). In contrary to this, submerged fermentation of the same residue gave the highest level of versatile peroxidase activity (25.4 Ul-1). The peak of laccase activity was noted during solid-state fermentation of oak sawdust (32.3 Ul-1), while this enzyme was not detected under submerged fermentation of any plant residues.
ISSN: 0352-4906
DOI: 10.2298/ZMSPN1120333K
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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