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Title: Southernmost finding in Europe of Aphelocheirus aestivalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aphelocheiridae)
Authors: Živić, Ivana 
Protić, Ljiljana
Marković, Zoran
Keywords: Aphelocheirus aestivalis;Southernmost finding;Distribution;Southern Morava basin;Serbia
Issue Date: Jun-2007
Rank: M23
Journal: Zootaxa
Volume: 1496
Issue: 1
Start page: 63
End page: 68
During hydrobiological investigations of the Southern Morava basin (southeastern Serbia) from 1998. to 2004, the southernmost discovery of Aphelocheirus aestavilis (F.) in Europe was recorded in 13 rivers. Over the seven-year period of our investigations 398 individuals (from larva to imago stages) of this species were collected. Of all samples gathered, 85.71% were males and 14.29% were females. In the investigated rivers, A. aestavilis overwinters in all stages. It was found in the rivers up to 500 m above sea level, most of them located 100 to 200 m above sea level. It prefers rapid and deep rivers, and eurythermal water suits A. aestavilis better than cold water. The species was not found in waters in which the saprobity index exceeded 2.0.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.1496.1.4
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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