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Title: Morphological changes of the ovipositor in species of Cheloninae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in the course of adaptation to egg-larval parasitism
Authors: Brajković, M.
Nikolić, Z.
Ćurčić, S. 
Živić, I. 
Stojanović, D.
Keywords: Braconidae;Cheloninae;Ovipositors;Comparative morphology;Parasitism
Issue Date: 2010
Rank: M23
Journal: Archives of Biological Sciences
Volume: 62
Issue: 2
Start page: 469
End page: 477
Adaptation to the parasitic way of life in braconids has led to a number of consequences in the morphology
of the ovipositor of females. As a derivative of the paired appendages of the eighth and ninth abdominal segments, the ovipositor is a complex morphological structure of gonapophysal origin whose muscular system makes possible highly complex movements during the act of egg-laying. In some groups of braconids, imaginal and egg-larval forms of parasitism have developed in the course of evolution. In adapting to these two forms of parasitism, the ovipositor underwent significant changes, while still remaining a successful structure for the paralyzation and laying of eggs in the host. This paper presents a survey of the ovipository apparatus structure in the species of the genera Ascogaster Wesmael, Leptodrepana Shaw, Chelonus Panzer, Microchelonus Szépligeti, and Phanerotoma Wesmael, and gives a review of the changes in structure of the ovipositor during adaptation to egg-larval parasitism.
DOI: 10.2298/ABS1002469B
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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