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Title: Potential of Trametes species to degrade lignin
Authors: Knežević, Aleksandar 
Milovanović, Ivan
Stajić, Mirjana 
Vukojević, Jelena 
Issue Date: Nov-2013
Rank: M22
Publisher: Elsevier
Journal: International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation
Volume: 85
Start page: 52
End page: 56
Well developed ligninolytic enzyme system in white-rot mushrooms is responsible for degradation of low degradable and lignin rich unused plant debris, which represents serious environmental ballast. The biological degradation is environmentally friendly and economically justified process. Therefore, assessment of the potential of Trametes pubescens and Trametes multicolor to degrade lignin of wheat straw and oak sawdust during solid-state cultivation was the object of the study. Significantly high laccase activity was noted on day 7 and day 10 of wheat straw fermentation by T. pubescens BEOFB 330, while at other days the obtained values were lower from 2- to 8-fold. Contrary to laccase, the optimum substrate for Mn-oxidizing peroxidases was oak sawdust. Maxima activities of Mn-dependent peroxidase and Mn-independent peroxidase were noted on day 14 of cultivation of T. multicolor HAI 426 and T. pubescens BEOFB 330, respectively. Tested organisms, except T. multicolor HAI 428, have degraded about 50% of lignin in wheat straw that was more degradable residue than oak sawdust, which decay level ranged between 1.8% and 5.9%. Mn-oxidizing peroxidases had the main role in oak sawdust lignin degradation. T. multicolor HAI 426, was the best lignin degrader in which laccase activity was not noted.
ISSN: 0964-8305
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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