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Title: Assessment of diesel fuel uptake by fungi isolated from petroleum contaminated soil
Authors: Savković, Željko 
Vukojičić, Nevena 
Stupar, Miloš 
Novaković, Nikola
Unković, Nikola 
Ljaljević-Grbić, Milica 
Vukojević, Jelena 
Keywords: Diesel fuel utilization;Fungi;Soil
Issue Date: Sep-2017
Rank: M51
Publisher: Matica srpska
Journal: Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke
Issue: 133
Start page: 221
End page: 229
The aim of this research was to isolate and identify the fungi from petroleum-contaminated soil, to test their ability to grow in the presence of diesel fuel and uptake it in solid and broth media. Among 16 isolated and identified filamentous fungi, six were tested to determine their growth on media enriched with diesel fuel as a sole carbon source. All tested isolates showed different degree of d...
ISSN: 0352-4906
DOI: 10.2298/ZMSPN1733221S
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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