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Title: A. Role of mushroom Mn-oxidizing peroxidases in biomass conversion. In: V.K. Gupta (ed.) Microbial enzymes in bioconversion of biomass.
Authors: Stajić, Mirjana 
Vukojević, J. 
Milovanović, I.
Ćilerdžić, J. 
Knežević, A. 
Issue Date: 2016
Rank: M13
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Journal: Microbial Enzymes in Bioconversions of Biomass
Intensive agricultural and industrial production followed by increased production of lignocellulosic wastes, disruption of environment, and depletion of natural resources are features of the modern society. However, these wastes present sustainable resources of fibers and energy and can be useful raw materials for many industries. Therefore, development of the optimal ways for their environmental and economical friendly biological pretreatment where the main participants will be fungi, owing to their ability to produce lignocellulolytic enzymes, preoccupies scientists. Mn-oxidizing peroxidases play crucial role in the process and based on the substrate specificity, this group is divided into Mn-dependent- and versatile peroxidases. However, delignification capacity depends on fungal species and strain, namely on their potential of lignocellulolytic enzyme production and degradation selectivity, type and composition of lignocellulosic wastes, and fermentation conditions. Species which predominantly degrade lignin and significantly weaker cellulose could have important role in processes of food, feed, paper, and biofuel production.
pp. 251-269.
ISBN: 978-3-319-43677-7
ISSN: 2363-7617
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-43679-1_10.
Appears in Collections:Book Chapter

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