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Title: New species of fish and crustaceans in Montenegrin waters (South Adriatic Sea)
Authors: Tomanić, Jovana
Pešić, Ana
Joksimović, Aleksandar
Ikica, Zdravko
Simonović, Predrag 
Ćetković, Ilija
Keywords: Montenegro;Non-native species;Risk Assessment
Issue Date: 20-Apr-2022
Rank: M23
Publisher: The Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
Journal: Acta Adriatica
Volume: 63
Issue: 1
Start page: 109
End page: 122
The structure and composition of Mediterranean biodiversity has changed significantly. So far, in Montenegrin coastal waters, nine new non-native species have been recorded: Tylosurus acus imperialis, Caranx crysos, Siganus luridus, Fistularia commersonii, Stephanolepis diaspros, Sphoeroides pachygaster, Lagocephalus sceleratus, Callinectes sapidus and Farfantepanaeus aztecus. Allochthonous species are starting to compete for food and space and leading to habitat degradation, socioeconomic impacts and can hybridise with the native species. Natural factors and human activities have enabled the arrival A measure of the accuracy of the calibration analysis is the area under the ROC curve (AUC). Two species were characterised as non-invasive: Tylosurus acus imperialis and Caranx crysos, but five others were characterised as invasive and covered by the categories from moderate to high-risk.
ISSN: 0001-5113
DOI: 10.32582/aa.63.1.11
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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