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Title: Checklist of desmids (Conjugatophyceae, Charophyta) in Serbia. IV: genera Euastrum, Micrasterias, Staurodesmus and Xanthidium
Authors: Šovran, Sanja 
Keywords: Algae;Desmids;Euastrum;Micrasterias;Staurodesmus;Xanthidium
Issue Date: 21-Jul-2022
Rank: M24
Publisher: Akademichno Izdatelstvo Prof. Marin Drinov^(Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House)
Citation: Šovran, S.I. 2022. Checklist of desmids (Conjugatophyceae, Charophyta) in Serbia. IV: genera Euastrum, Micrasterias, Staurodesmus and Xanthidium. --Phytologia Balcanica, 28 (2): 187-198. -- ISSN 1310-7771 (print), 1314-0027 (online).
Journal: Phytologia Balcanica
Volume: 28
Issue: 2
Start page: 187
End page: 198
The first data on the distribution of desmids in Serbia date back to 1883; ever since and up to 2021, 646
different taxa have been identified. The genus Euastrum is represented by 34 taxa, genus Micrasterias by
16 taxa, genus Staurodesmus by 26 taxa, and genus Xanthidium by 11 taxa. All these taxa occur in a large
variety of habitats in Serbia, but the greatest diversity has been recorded in the high-mountain peat bogs.
This paper presents a review of the main taxonomic and ecological characteristics of the Euastrum, Micrasterias, Staurodesmus, and Xanthidium taxa recorded from Serbia.
ISSN: 1310-7771
DOI: 10.7546/PhB.28.2.2022.4
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