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Title: Intersexual differences in Behaviour and resource use of specialist Phengaris teleius butterflies
Authors: Popović, Miloš
Golubović, Ana 
Nowicki, Piotr
Keywords: Phengaris (= Maculinea) teleius;Flight behaviour;Information processing hypothesis;Mate searching;Resource use
Issue Date: 6-Mar-2022
Rank: M21
Publisher: National Library of Medicine
Journal: Insects
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Start page: 262
Although the behaviour of the Large Blue butterflies of the genus Phengaris (= Maculinea) is relatively well studied, most empirical data come from investigations of their dispersal and oviposition. Here, we assessed overall intersexual differences in resource use by tracking Phengaris teleius (Bergsträsser, 1779) individuals and recording the duration of their behaviours. Females were characterised by frequent, short flights, and devoted more time to resting and oviposition. Males engaged in numerous, but usually short interactions, and spent most of the time in flight exploring their surroundings for receptive females. Their average flight time was significantly longer compared to females. Average feeding time did not differ between the sexes but was shorter when butterflies were feeding on Sanguisorba officinalis L. Intraspecific interactions within P. teleius were three times longer than those with other insect species, and interactions between sexes were particularly long lasting. Significantly shorter interspecific interactions imply that butterflies can easily recognise conspecifics and differentiate between sexes, which offers obvious fitness benefits. Both sexes, but especially females, showed strong association with their larval host plant, and less so with other flowers of similar colour and shape. Females predominantly used their host plant for feeding, which possibly indicates neuro-sensory constraints towards this resource.
ISSN: 2075-4450
DOI: 10.3390/insects13030262
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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