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Title: Heartworm Disease in Jackals: Unusual Location of Dirofilaria immitis
Authors: Penezić, Aleksandra 
Kuručki, Milica 
Bogdanović, Neda 
Pantelić Ilija
Bugarski-Stanojević Vanja
Ćirović, Duško 
Keywords: D. immitis;Heartworm disease;Jackal;Serbia;Vena cava caudalis
Issue Date: 2022
Rank: M22
Journal: Acta Parasitologica
Purpose: The knowledge of heartworm disease in free ranging wild canid populations is limited. As it is very difficult to monitor this disease in live animals, sporadic findings are mostly obtained by examining culled individuals of game species.
Methods: As a part of a broader study on jackal (Canis aureus) ecology in Serbia, the necropsy of legally hunted animals was performed in 2020.
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