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Title: Investigations of Variability of Morphometric Characteristics in Stone Crayfish in Order to Preserve Autochthonous Genome
Authors: Roljić, Rajko
Nikolić, Vera 
Savić, Nebojša
Keywords: Stone crayfish;Morphometric characteristics;Sex dimorphism;Korana River;Mrkonjic Grad
Issue Date: 16-Mar-2020
Rank: M52
Publisher: Apeiron
Journal: Quality of Life
This paper presents the information about morphological variability and sexual dimorphism of the stone crayfi sh (Austropotamobius torrentium) in the area of Korana River in Mrkonjic Grad. The crayfi sh were caught by hand made baited traps from October 2018 to May 2019. A total of 46 crayfi sh were caught, of which 33 males and 13 females. The dimensions of eight morphometric characteristics: body weight (W), body length (TBL), rostrum length (ROL), rostrum width (ROW), claw length (CLL), carapace length (CPL), carapace width (CPW) and abdomen length (ABL), were analyzed, both in males and females. Also, the body condition was determined for all individuales. The measurements results of morphometric characteristics partially matched into the alredy known range of variations. These data presens fi rst ones for the observed area. By using Mann-Whitey U-test, it was noted that there are signifi -cant diff erences between the sexes for W, TBL, CLL, CPL, CPW and ABL. These resuls could be explained by sexual dimorphism of the stone crayfi sh.
DOI: 10.7251/QOL2001011R
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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