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Title: Water soluble biomolecules from Nepeta nuda regulate microbial growth: A case study of apple juice preservation
Authors: Gašić, Uroš
Stojković, Dejan
Ivanov, Marija
Miletić, Milica 
Mišić, Danijela
Veljić, Milan 
Soković, Marina
Keywords: Nepeta nuda;drink;antifungal;self-preserving;chemical composition
Issue Date: 25-Nov-2021
Rank: C1
Publisher: Institut za proučavanje lekovitog bilja Dr Josif Pančić, Beograd
Citation: Gašić, Uroš, Dejan Stojković, Marija Ivanov, Milica Miletić, Danijela Mišić, Milan Veljić, and Marina Soković. "Water soluble biomolecules from Nepeta nuda regulate microbial growth: A case study of apple juice preservation." Lekovite sirovine, no. 41 (2021): 28-34.
Project: MPNTR - 451-03-68/2020-14/200007
MPNTR - 451-03-68/2020-14/200042
Journal: Lekovite sirovine
The following study was designed to explore antimicrobial properties of the by-product obtained
in a hydro-distillation process of essential oil from Nepeta nuda L. We strived to develop a novel
drink with antimicrobial self-preserving properties based on two components, N. nuda decoct and
apple juice. By using 96-well plate microdilution assay it was shown that the N. nuda decoct has
antimicrobial potential towards 8 bacterial and 6 fungal species, with the range of minimal inhibitory
concentrations 10-300 mg/mL. By using actual food system, such as apple juice, in combination with
and without short thermal treatment, we have shown that the decoct of N. nuda can inhibit the growth
of food contaminant fungus Penicillium aurantiogriseum. It was determined that 3 volumes of decoct
(500 mg/mL) and 22 volumes of apple juice should be mixed in order to obtain self-preserving drink
resistant to P. aurantiogriseum contamination. Likewise, when thermal treatment (80 °C for 10 s) is
included, self-preserving mixture of decoct and apple juice should be made in volume ratios 3:47,
respectively. The designed product maintained the pleasant taste as determined by panelists during
the sensorial evaluation. Chemical investigations (UHPLC–Orbitrap MS analysis) of N. nuda decoct
showed that the most abundant compound was 1,5,9-epideoxyloganic acid (0.410 mg/g of dried decoct).
Since N. nuda is traditionally used as a tea, we presented the novel formulation of the drink with
antimicrobial properties based on the its decoct and apple juice.
ISSN: 0455-6224
DOI: 10.5937/leksir2141028G
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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