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Title: Movement, space-use and resource preferences of European golden jackals in human-dominated landscapes: insights from a telemetry study
Authors: Fenton, Skye
Moorcroft, Paul R.
Ćirović, Duško 
Lanszki, József
Heltai, Miklós
Cagnacci, Francesca
Breck, Stewart
Bogdanović, Neda 
Pantelić, Ilija
Ács, Kornél
Ranc, Nathan
Keywords: Canis aureus;Bio-logging;Fragmentation;Mesocarnivore;Proximity analyses;Step selection analysis
Issue Date: 16-Mar-2021
Rank: M22
Publisher: Springer
Journal: Mammalian Biology
During the last half-century, the distribution of golden jackals (Canis aureus) has rapidly increased throughout Europe. Today, golden jackals are thriving in human-dominated landscapes across Southeastern and Central Europe. Most studies on golden jackals have focused on large-scale distribution patterns; to date, little is known about the species’ fine-scale spatial ecology. In this study, we analyzed the movement behavior, space-use and resource selection of six golden jackals ftted with GPSGSM collars in two study areas in Hungary and Serbia. Two of the jackals were a breeding pair. We found that home range size averaged 11.2 km2 (90% autocorrelated kernel density estimation), and was characterized by signifcant individual-level variability (range 1.3–32.5 km2). Golden jackal movements and resource selection were strongly infuenced by circadian patterns: during the day, jackals travelled an average of 300 m every 6 h, and all monitored individuals selected for vegetation cover, often near edges. At night, golden jackals travelled signifcantly further (1 km 6 h−1), and were more likely to venture outside of cover into agricultural areas. Movement analysis of the breeding pair revealed that the male and female tended to remain in close proximity during the day, but ranged more independently at night. Altogether, our fndings suggest that golden jackals’ ability to thrive in human-dominated landscapes rely on a fne spatio-temporal avoidance of humans.
ISSN: 1616-5047
DOI: 10.1007/s42991-021-00109-2
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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