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Title: Cloning and expression of novel lactococcal aggregation factor from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGKP1
Authors: Kojic, M.
Jovčić, Branko 
Strahinic, I.
Begovic, J.
Lozo, Jelena 
Veljovic, K.
Topisirovic, L.
Issue Date: 2011
Journal: BMC Microbiology
Series/Report no.: 11;265
Background: Aggregation may play a main role in the adhesion of bacteria to the gastrointestinal epithelium and
their colonization ability, as well as in probiotic effects through co-aggregation with intestinal pathogens and their
subsequent removal. The aggregation phenomenon in lactococci is directly associated with the sex factor and
lactose plasmid co-integration event or duplication of the cell wall spanning (CWS) domain of PrtP proteinase.
Results: Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGKP1 was isolated from artisanal semi-hard homemade cheese and
selected due to its strong auto-aggregation phenotype. Subsequently, non-aggregating derivative (Agg-) of BGKP1,
designated as BGKP1-20, was isolated, too. Comparative analysis of cell surface proteins of BGKP1 and derivative
BGKP1-20 revealed a protein of approximately 200 kDa only in the parental strain BGKP1. The gene involved in
aggregation (aggL) was mapped on plasmid pKP1 (16.2 kb), cloned and expressed in homologous and
heterologous lactococci and enterococci. This novel lactococcal aggregation protein was shown to be sufficient for
cell aggregation in all tested hosts. In addition to the aggL gene, six more ORFs involved in replication (repB and
repX), restriction and modification (hsdS), transposition (tnp) and possible interaction with mucin (mbpL) were also
located on plasmid pKP1.
Conclusion: AggL is a new protein belonging to the collagen-binding superfamily of proteins and is sufficient for
cell aggregation in lactococci.
DOI: 10.1186/1471-2180/11/265
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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