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Title: Evaluation of Salix alba, Juglans regia and Populus nigra as biomonitors of PTEs in the riparian soils of the Sava River
Authors: Mataruga, Zorana
Jarić, Snežana
Keckarević-Marković, Milica 
Pavlović, Marija
Pavlović, Dragana
Jakovljević, Ksenija 
Mitrović, Miroslava
Pavlović, Pavle
Keywords: Juglans regia;Populus nigra;Potentially toxic elements;Riparian zone;Salix alba;Spatial variations.
Issue Date: 22-Jan-2020
Rank: M22
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Mataruga, Z., Jarić, S., Marković, M., Pavlović, M., Pavlović, D., Jakovljević, K., Mitrović, M., Pavlović, P. (2020) Evaluation of Salix alba, Juglans regia and Populus nigra as biomonitors of PTEs in the riparian soils of the Sava River. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192: 131
Journal: Environmental monitoring and assessment
A large number of human activities result in the release of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) into the environment, which could lead to the degradation of riparian areas. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of Salix alba, Juglans regia and Populus nigra for the biomonitoring of PTEs in the riparian soils of the Sava River. Levels of seven PTEs (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) were measured i...
DOI: 10.1007/s10661-020-8085-9
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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