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Title: Using Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) as Bioagent Vectors to Control Sclerotinia Head Rot on Sunflower in Serbia. In Entomovectoring for Precision Biocontrol and Enhanced Pollination of Crops
Authors: Terzić, Sreten
Dedić Boško
Tančić Živanov, Sonja
Milovac, Željko
Franeta, Filip
Zorić, Miroslav
Stanisavljević, Ljubiša Ž. 
Kevan, Peter G.
Keywords: Commercial bumblebees;Biocontrol agent;Sclerotinia head rot;Sunflower
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Cham: Springer International Publishing
Citation: Terzić S. et al. (2020) Using Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) as Bioagent Vectors to Control Sclerotinia Head Rot on Sunflower in Serbia.
The ability of commercial bumblebees to transfer Clonostachys rosea spores as a biocontrol agent (BVT-CR7 strain) from the hive to sunflower heads for the control of Sclerotinia head rot was studied during 2016 and 2017 in field trials. The bumblebee hives were placed in isolation cages before flowering and allowed to adapt to the new environment. The bumblebee activity in 2016 was significantly l...
in the book: Entomovectoring for Precision Biocontrol and Enhanced Pollination of Crops / ed.
Guy SmaggheOtto BoeckingBettina MaccagnaniMarika MändPeter G. Kevan
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-18917-4_11
Appears in Collections:Book Chapter

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