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Title: Small hydropower plants as renewable energy source
Authors: Nikolić, Vera 
Škraba-Jurlina, Dubravka 
Marić, Ana 
Kanjuh, Tamara 
Simonović, Predrag 
Issue Date: 2019
Journal: Book of proceedings
Start page: 70
End page: 74
Conference: Sixth International Scientific Conference. June 5th – World Environment Day
The Serbian energy sector is characterized by low energy efficiency (both in production and in demand), obsolete technologies in energy production, lack of investment, subsidized energy prices and irrational consumption together with significant (negative) environmental impacts. In such a situation, Serbia is obliged to produce 27% of electricity from renewable sources by 2020. The most controversy is caused by the construction of small hydropower plants, because among all other renewable sources it has the most negative environmental impact, primarily on biodiversity, which causes numerous protests by citizens, but also the reactions of the scientific and professional public. The renewable character of hydropower and the absence of smoke and ash from it does not mean that it is environmentally acceptable by itself. Nowaday, the negative consequences of the construction of hydroelectric power plants and the diversion of water flows are scientifically investigated and well known. There are three main problems related to SHP in Serbia: insufficient information to the public, non-implementation of laws and by-laws and inadequate quality of the Environmental Impact Assessment Studies.
Pages 70-74.
18-19. June 2018. Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
ISSN: 2566-4530
Appears in Collections:Conference paper

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