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Title: Antimicrobial Activity of Bacillus sp. Natural Isolates and Their Potential Use in the Biocontrol of Phytopathogenic Bacteria
Authors: Berić, Tanja 
Kojić, M.
Stanković, Slaviša 
Topisirović, L.
Degrassi, G.
Myers, M.
Venturi, V.
Fira, Đorđe 
Keywords: Bacillus sp.;Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae;lipopeptides;iturin;bacteriocin
Issue Date: Jan-2012
Project: Molecular characterization of bacteria from genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas as potential agents for biological control 
Screening of 203 Bacillus sp. natural isolates for antimicrobial activity against phytopathogenic bacteria showed that 127 tested strains inhibit at least one sensitive strain, which
illustrates their potential use as biocontrol agents. Among them, 104 isolates showed significant antagonism against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, and only one of these (VPS50.2)
synthesizes bacteriocin. An additional screening tested whether 51 isolates contained genes
involved in the biosynthesis of lipopeptides of the iturin and surfactin classes. Results
show that 33 isolates harbour the operon for iturin biosynthesis, and six of them carry the
sfp gene, responsible for the biosynthesis of surfactin. Lipopeptide purification from the
supernatant of isolate SS12.9 (identified as B. subtilis or B. amyloliquefaciens) was performed
using ethyl acetate extraction, ultrafiltration and reversed phase HPLC. Mass spectrometry
analysis confirmed that isolate SS12.9 produces a substance of the iturin class with potential for biocontrol of X. oryzae pv. oryzae.
ISSN: 1330-9862
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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