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Title: Pathogenic microorganisms of medicinal herbal drugs
Authors: Stević, Tatjana
Pavlović, Snežana
Stanković, Slaviša 
Šavikin, Katarina
Keywords: Bacteria;Herbal drugs;Microbial contamination;Molds;Mycotoxins
Issue Date: 18-Jul-2012
Project: Traditional and new products of cultivated and wild growing fruits and grape vines, and by-products durring processing, with special emphasis on indigenous varieties: chemical characterization and biological profile 
Journal: Archives of Biological Sciences
All the parts of plants (root, leaf, flower) naturally have a high level of microorganisms, bacteria and fungi, especially molds. Microbial contamination could be a result of inappropriate harvesting, cleaning of the raw plant material, unhygienic processing of the plants, unsuitable transport and storage. After examination of over 40 dried medicinal plant species, the lowest microbial quality was determined for Maydis stigma, Mentha leaf and herb, Equisetum herb, Calendula flower, Urtica leaf, Melissa leaf, Serpylli herb, Chamomilla flower etc. Although mixed infections are recorded with different types of fungus, Fusarium was observed as the most dominant genus in most of the tested drugs, followed by Aspergillus and Alternaria. In addition to these fungi species from the following genera were identified: Phoma, Cephalosporium, Nigrospora, Cladosporium, Epicoccum, Gliocladium, Myrothecium, Cercospora, Phomopsis, Verticillium, Dreschlera (=Bipolaris), Rhizoctonia, Septoria, Trichoderma, Curvularia, Stachybotrys, Trichothecium, Puccinia, Botrytis, Mucor and Rhizopus sp., depending on plant species.
ISSN: 0354-4664
DOI: 10.2298/ABS1201049S
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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