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Title: Genetic characterization of pathogenic fluorescent pseudomonads isolated from necrotic cherry and plum buds in Serbia
Authors: Gavrilović, Veljko
Ivanović, Zarko
Popović, Tatjana
Živković, Svetlana
Stanković, Slaviša 
Berić, Tanja 
Fira, Đorđe 
Keywords: Bud necrosis;Cherry;GATT;P. Syringae pv. Morsprunorum;Pathogenicity;Plum;REP-PCR
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2013
Project: Development of integrated approach in plant protection for control harmful organisms 
Molecular characterization of bacteria from genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas as potential agents for biological control 
Journal: Genetika
During past few years a symptoms of plum and cherry bud necrosis were observed in some regions with significant cherry production in Serbia. Gram negative, fluorescent, oxidative bacterial strains were isolated from the margin of necrotic tissue. All investigated strains are levan and HR positive, while negative results are recorded in oxidase, pectinase and arginin dihydrolase tests (LOPAT+- - - +). Symptoms similar to those observed in natural infection were obtained after artificial inoculation of cherry leaf scares and dormant one year old cherry shoots. Investigated strains as well as reference strain of P. syringae pv. morsprunorum cause the superficial necrosis on artificially inoculated immature cherry fruits, but negative results were recorded in immature pear and lemon fruit tests as well as syringae leaves and bean pods. Gelatin and aesculin tests were negative and tyrosinase and tartrate were positive. Investigated strains isolated from necrotic cherry buds had identical REP-PCR pattern with reference strain of P. syringae pv. morsprunorum. On the basis of obtained results, it was concluded that this bacterium is causal agent of cherry trees bud necrosis in Serbia.
ISSN: 0534-0012
DOI: 10.2298/GENSR1303953G
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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