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Title: A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production
Authors: Dainese, Matteo
Martin, Emily A.
Aizen, Marcelo A.
Albrecht, Matthias
Bartomeus, Ignasi
Bommarco, Riccardo
Carvalheiro, Luisa G.
Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca
Gagic, Vesna
Garibaldi, Lucas A.
Ghazoul, Jaboury
Zhang, Wei
Zou, Yi
Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf
Grab, Heather
Jonsson, Mattias
Karp, Daniel S.
Kennedy, Christina M.
Kleijn, David
Kremen, Claire
Landis, Douglas A.
Letourneau, Deborah K.
Marini, Lorenzo
Poveda, Katja
Rader, Romina
Smith, Henrik G.
Tscharntke, Teja
Andersson, Georg K.S.
Badenhausser, Isabelle
Baensch, Svenja
Bezerra, Antonio Diego M.
Bianchi, Felix J.J.A.
Boreux, Virginie
Bretagnolle, Vincent
Caballero-Lopez, Berta
Cavigliasso, Pablo
Ćetković, Aleksandar 
Chacoff, Natacha P.
Classen, Alice
Cusser, Sarah
Da Silva E Silva, Felipe D.
Arjen De Groot, G.
Dudenhöffer, Jan H.
Ekroos, Johan
Fijen, Thijs
Franck, Pierre
Freitas, Breno M.
Garratt, Michael P.D.
Gratton, Claudio
Hipólito, Juliana
Holzschuh, Andrea
Hunt, Lauren
Iverson, Aaron L.
Jha, Shalene
Keasar, Tamar
Kim, Tania N.
Kishinevsky, Miriam
Klatt, Björn K.
Klein, Alexandra Maria
Krewenka, Kristin M.
Krishnan, Smitha
Larsen, Ashley E.
Lavigne, Claire
Liere, Heidi
Maas, Bea
Mallinger, Rachel E.
Pachon, Eliana Martinez
Martínez-Salinas, Alejandra
Meehan, Timothy D.
Mitchell, Matthew G.E.
Molina, Gonzalo A.R.
Nesper, Maike
Nilsson, Lovisa
O'Rourke, Megan E.
Peters, Marcell K.
Plećaš, Milan 
Potts, Simon G.
Ramos, Davi de L.
Rosenheim, Jay A.
Rundlöf, Maj
Rusch, Adrien
Sáez, Agustín
Scheper, Jeroen
Schleuning, Matthias
Schmack, Julia M.
Sciligo, Amber R.
Seymour, Colleen
Stanley, Dara A.
Stewart, Rebecca
Stout, Jane C.
Sutter, Louis
Takada, Mayura B.
Taki, Hisatomo
Tamburini, Giovanni
Tschumi, Matthias
Viana, Blandina F.
Westphal, Catrin
Willcox, Bryony K.
Wratten, Stephen D.
Yoshioka, Akira
Zaragoza-Trello, Carlos
Issue Date: 16-Oct-2019
Rank: M21a
Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Journal: Science Advances
Human land use threatens global biodiversity and compromises multiple ecosystem functions critical to food production. Whether crop yield-related ecosystem services can be maintained by a few dominant species or rely on high richness remains unclear. Using a global database from 89 studies (with 1475 locations), we partition the relative importance of species richness, abundance, and dominance for...
ISSN: 2375-2548
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aax0121
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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