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Title: New records and rare taxa of the genus Eunotia Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyceae) for the diatom flora of Serbia
Authors: Krizmanić, Jelena 
Ilić, Marija
Vidaković, Danijela
Subakov-Simić, Gordana 
Cvetanović, Katarina
Petrović, Jelena
Keywords: Autecology;Diatoms;Distribution;Dojkinci river;Eunotia
Issue Date: 2015
Rank: M24
Publisher: Institut za botaniku i botaničku baštu "Jevremovac", Biološki fakultet
Journal: Botanica Serbica
Volume: 39
Issue: 1
Start page: 35
End page: 44
Diatoms inhabiting different types of substrate including stone surfaces, sand, mud, filamentous algae and submerged mosses were studied in the Dojkinci River (Stara planina mountain, Serbia). In total 18 Eunotia taxa have been observed, among which three are recorded for the first time in Serbia (Eunotia circumborealis, E. paludosa and E. boreoalpina) and six are rarely recorded taxa for the Serb...
ISSN: 1821-2158
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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