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Title: Ligninolytic enzyme production in Pleurotus eryngii depending on the medium composition and cultivation conditions
Authors: Stajić, Mirjana 
Duletić Laušević, Sonja 
Vukojević, Jelena 
Issue Date: Jan-2005
Rank: M51
Journal: Zbornik Matice Srpske
Issue: 108
Start page: 269
End page: 276
Pleurotus eryngii produced laccase (Lac) both under conditions of submerged fermentation (SF) and solid-state fermentation (SSF) using all of the investigated carbon and nitrogen sources, while significant peroxidases production occurred only under SSF conditions. The highest levels of Lac activity were found under SF conditions of dry ground mandarine peels (999.5 U/l). After purification of extracellular crude enzyme mixture of P. eryngii which was grown under SF conditions with dry ground mandarine peels it was revealed two peaks of Lac activity and one peak of activity against phenol red in absence of external Mn2+ which was very low (1.4 U/l). Results obtained by purification also showed that the levels of phenol red oxidation in absence of external Mn2+ were higher than phenol red oxidation levels in presence of external Mn2+. In the medium with the best carbon source for Lac production (dry ground mandarine peels), (NH4)2SO4, with a nitrogen concentration of 20 mM, was the most optimum nitrogen source among 8 investigated sources.
DOI: 10.2298/ZMSPN0508269S
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