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Title: Growth supression of plant pathogenic fungi using bryophite extracts
Authors: Latinovic, Nedeljko
Sabovljević, Marko 
Vujičić, Milorad 
Latinovic, Jelena
Sabovljević, Aneta 
Keywords: Fruit and grapevine diseases;Liverworts;Moss;Natural chemistry;Plant fungal pathogens
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2019
Rank: M23
Journal: Bioscience Journal
Chemicals are often used in attempts to control diseases caused by plant pathogenic fungi during food production. However, chemicals can have adverse effects not just on food, but they also remain active for a long time within ecosystems, and thus are not environmentally friendly. Therefore, development of bio-treatment and avoiding use of chemicals are urgently needed. With the aim of studying and developing new environmentally-friendly treatments, we tested extracts from selected bryophyte species (Porella platyphylla, Cinclidotus fontinaloides and Anomodon viticulosus) on five plant pathogenic fungi under controlled conditions. The fungi (Botryosphaeria dothidea, Phomopsis viticola, Calosphaeria sp., Colletotrichum acutatum and Monilinia laxa) were selected based on common diseases they cause on fruits and grapevine. They were isolated in cultures and treated with bryophyte extracts. Bryophyte extracts were shown to be effective in suppression of certain plant pathogenic fungi growth and to have a huge potential in development of novel biotechnological treatments and biofungicides. The best results were achieved in inhibition of B. dothidea, P. viticola and Calosphaeria sp.
ISSN: 1516-3725
DOI: 10.14393/BJ-v35n4a2019-45555
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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