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Title: Confiscated Emys orbicularis (L., 1758) Dying Out in a “Temporary” Reception Facility in Serbia: a Case Study Showing the Urgency for a Regional Reptile Rescue Centre
Authors: Nikolić, Sonja 
Golubović, Ana 
Keywords: Balkan Peninsula;European Pond Turtle;Illegal trade;Impossible release/ return to nature;Inadequate housing;Pathology
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2017
Project: Diversity of the amphibians and reptiles on the Balkan Peninsula: evolutionary and conservation aspects 
12291-1 and 16922-2
Journal: Acta Zoologica Bulgarica
In December 2012, an illegal shipment of over 1,300 live European Pond Turtles (Emys orbicularis) was coniscated at the border between the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Serbia. All animals were housed in the Belgrade Zoo, Serbia, as a temporary measure until oicials of the two countries ind a way to return them to their place of origin. Turtles were placed in an enclosure of c. 300 m2with an artiicial pond c. 1.3 m deep, where some European Pond Turtles and several exotic Red-eared Sliders have already been kept. Along with imposing intense stress, these circumstances are ideal for transmission of pathogens. In December 2017, the turtles are still in the zoo, with oicials not having taken proactive measures. As a result of poor living conditions, many of these turtles died, and many sufer from various diseases and disorders. Therefore, they cannot be released anywhere into nature. The case we describe highlights the urgency of establishing multi-level national and regional cooperation, and one or more centres where coniscated animals and unwanted pets could be accepted and processed. Another important measure is the development of a range-wide DNA database of reptile species threatened with illegal collection and trade. In future, the proposed conservation measures could enable timely returns of such animals into their source populations.
ISSN: 0324-0770
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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