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Title: Mushrooms as potential natural cytostatics
Other Titles: Medicinal mushrooms - Recent Progress in Research and Development
Authors: Stajić, Mirjana 
Vukojević, Jelena 
Ćilerdžić, Jasmina 
Keywords: Anticancer activity;;Mechanisms of action;;Mushrooms;;Polysaccharides;;Proteins;;Terpenoids.
Issue Date: 2019
Rank: M13
Cancer is the second cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, i.e., half of the men and more than a third of women of the world population get sick with some type of cancer during a lifetime, and one-quarter of all adults die of this disease. Common treatments, chemo- and radiotherapy, are not highly effective, give satisfactory results only in the treatment of early cancer development stages o...
pp. 143-168.
ISBN: 978-981-13-6381-8
Appears in Collections:Book Chapter

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