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Title: Assessment of association between genetic variants in microRNA genes hsa-miR-499, hsa-miR-196a2 and hsa-miR-27a and prostate cancer risk in Serbian population
Authors: Nikolić, Z.
Savić Pavićević, Dušanka 
Vučić, Nemanja 
Cidilko, S.
Filipović, N.
Cerović, S.
Vukotić, V.
Romac, S.
Brajušković, Goran 
Keywords: Association study;MicroRNA;MiR-196a2;MiR-27a;MiR-499;Prostate cancer
Issue Date: Aug-2015
Journal: Experimental and Molecular Pathology
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. Due to their potentially functional significance, genetic variants within microRNA genes have been recognized as candidates for cancer-related genetic biomarkers. Among the most extensively studied so far are rs3746444, rs11614913 and rs895819. Nevertheless, only few previous studies in Asian population analyzed the association of rs3746444 and rs11614913 with prostate cancer (PCa) risk, while rs895819 was not evaluated in relation to this issue. The aim of this study was to assess the possible association between these genetic variants and PCa risk and progression in Serbian population. 355 samples of peripheral blood were obtained from the patients with PCa and 353 samples from patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). 312 volunteers derived from general population who gave samples of buccal swabs were included in the control group. Genotyping of rs3746444, rs11614913 and rs895819 was performed by using PCR-RFLP method, HRM analysis and allele-specific PCR, respectively. Allelic and genotypic associations were evaluated by unconditional linear (for serum PSA level in PCa patients) and logistic regression method with adjustment for age.Minor allele C of rs895819 was found to be associated with the increased risk of developing PCa under dominant (P. =. 0.035; OR. =. 1.38, 95%CI 1.02-1.86) and overdominant (P. =. 0.04; OR. =. 1.37, 95%CI 1.01-1.85) genetic model. Same genetic variant was found to be associated with the clinical stage of localized PCa, as well as with the presence of distant metastases. Allele G of rs3746444 was also shown to be associated with the decreased risk of PCa progression. According to our data, rs3746444 qualifies for a genetic variant potentially associated with PCa aggressiveness in Serbian population. Furthermore, our study provided the first evidence of association between rs895819 and PCa risk, as well as for its genetic association with the presence of distant metastases among PCa patients.
ISSN: 0014-4800
DOI: 10.1016/j.yexmp.2015.06.009
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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