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Title: The evolving "fate" of Asyneuma comosiforme: Validation of Hayekia, a new monotypic genus of Campanulaceae from Albania
Authors: Lakušić, Dmitar 
Eddie, William M.M.
Shuka, Lulëzim
Lazarević, Maja 
Barina, Zoltán
Keywords: Albania;Asyneuma;Campanula;Campanulaceae;capsule dehiscence;character combination;floral morphology;Hayekia;new genus;nomenclature;systematics
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2019
Rank: M23
Journal: Willdenowia
An account of the discovery of the Albanian stenoendemic Asyneuma comosiforme and brief nomenclatural history of the genus Asyneuma provide a background for the re-assessment of recent molecular findings, which advocate the transfer of Acomosiforme to the genus Campanula. Objections to this transfer are raised, and additional morphological details and arguments are provided, highlighting the uniqueness of this taxon, in order to support a proposal to recognize and validate the monotypic genus Hayekia. A full generic diagnosis, and an expanded species description are provided, in addition to chromosome number, ecological and conservation data. Comments about cladistic analyses and general-purpose Linnaean classifications are made, as well as a recommendation for the recognition of monotypic genera for a better understanding of Campanulaceae evolution.
ISSN: 0511-9618
DOI: 10.3372/wi.49.49110
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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