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Title: Application of fractal and grey level co-occurrence matrix analysis in evaluation of brain corpus callosum and cingulum architecture
Authors: Pantic, Igor
Dacic, Sanja 
Brkic, Predrag
Lavrnja, Irena
Pantic, Senka
Jovanovic, Tomislav
Pekovic, Sanja
Keywords: axon;directionality;discriminatory value;sensitivity;texture
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2014
Journal: Microscopy and Microanalysis
© Microscopy Society of America 2014. This aim of this study was to assess the discriminatory value of fractal and grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) analysis methods in standard microscopy analysis of two histologically similar brain white mass regions that have different nerve fiber orientation. A total of 160 digital micrographs of thionine-stained rat brain white mass were acquired using a Pro-MicroScan DEM-200 instrument. Eighty micrographs from the anterior corpus callosum and eighty from the anterior cingulum areas of the brain were analyzed. The micrographs were evaluated using the National Institutes of Health ImageJ software and its plugins. For each micrograph, seven parameters were calculated: angular second moment, inverse difference moment, GLCM contrast, GLCM correlation, GLCM variance, fractal dimension, and lacunarity. Using the Receiver operating characteristic analysis, the highest discriminatory value was determined for inverse difference moment (IDM) (area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve equaled 0.925, and for the criterion IDM≤0.610 the sensitivity and specificity were 82.5 and 87.5%, respectively). Most of the other parameters also showed good sensitivity and specificity. The results indicate that GLCM and fractal analysis methods, when applied together in brain histology analysis, are highly capable of discriminating white mass structures that have different axonal orientation.
ISSN: 1431-9276
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927614012811
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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