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Title: Evaluation of genotoxic potential of avarol, avarone, and its methoxy and methylamino derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models
Authors: Kolarević, Stoimir 
Milovanović, Dragana
Kračun-Kolarević, Margareta
Kostić, Jovana
Sunjog, Karolina
Martinović, Rajko
Đorđević, Jelena 
Novaković, Irena
Sladić, Dušan
Vuković Gačić, Branka 
Keywords: Avarol;SOS/umuC;mutagenicity;genotoxicity;comet assay;avarone
Issue Date: 4-Mar-2019
Rank: M22
Journal: Drug and Chemical Toxicology
© 2017, © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. In this study, mutagenic and genotoxic potential of anti-tumor compounds avarol, avarone, and its derivatives 3′-methoxyavarone, 4′-(methylamino)avarone and 3′-(methylamino)avarone was evaluated and compared to cytostatics commonly used in chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil, etoposid, and cisplatin). Mutagenic potential of selected hydroquinone and quinones was assessed in prokaryotic model by the SOS/umuC assay in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002. Genotoxic potential was also assessed in eukaryotic models using comet assay in human fetal lung cell line (MRC-5), human adenocarcinoma epithelial cell line (A549), and in human peripheral blood cells (HPBC). The results indicated that avarol and avarone do not exert mutagenic/genotoxic potential. Among the studied avarone derivatives, mutagenic potential was detected by SOS/umuC test for 3′-(methylamino)avarone, but only after metabolic activation. The results of comet assay indicated that 3′-methoxyavarone and 3′-(methylamino)avarone have a significant impact on the level of DNA damage in the MRC-5 cell line. Genotoxic potential was not observed in A549 cells or HPBC probably due to a different uptake rate for the compounds and lower in metabolism rate within these cells.
ISSN: 0148-0545
DOI: 10.1080/01480545.2017.1413108
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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