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Title: Risk screening of non-native freshwater fishes in Croatia and Slovenia using the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit
Authors: Piria, Marina
Povž, Meta
Vilizzi, Lorenzo
Zanella, Davor
Simonović, Predrag 
Copp, Gordon H.
Keywords: Balkan Peninsula;Hazard identification;Inland waters;Invasive potential;Non-native fish species;Risk analysis
Issue Date: 1-Feb-2016
Project: -
2221 Fellowship
Evolution in Heterogeneous Environments: Adaptation Mechanisms, Biomonitoring and Conservation of Biodiversity 
Journal: Fisheries Management and Ecology
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. The Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK) version 2 was used to assess the invasiveness potential of 40 introduced and translocated freshwater fish species to Croatia and Slovenia. Based on a priori classification of invasiveness, receiver operating characteristic analysis of FISK scores from two independent assessors resulted in a statistically significant calibration threshold of 11.75. This indicated that FISK was able to discriminate reliably between non-native species likely to pose a high risk of being invasive and those likely to pose a medium or low risk of invasiveness. Seven species were categorised as 'medium risk' and the other 33 as 'high risk', whereas no species was categorised as 'low risk'. The two highest scoring species were European catfish Silurus glanis and North African catfish Clarias gariepinus. Mean scores for all species classified a priori as invasive were ranked as 'high risk' sensu lato and fell into the 'moderately high risk' subcategory. FISK proved to be a valid tool for assessing the risks posed by non-native fishes in Croatia and Slovenia. For this reason, it can be adopted as a reliable tool for the prevention of new translocations or introductions of potentially invasive species in the risk assessment area, as well as to assist in decisions regarding future management (i.e. monitoring, control and eradication) and conservation strategies.
ISSN: 0969-997X
DOI: 10.1111/fme.12147
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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