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Title: Antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of Opopanax hispidus (Apiaceae) extracts
Authors: Matejić, Jelena
Džamić, Ana 
Mihajilov-Krstev, Tatjana
Randelović, Vladimir
Marin, Petar 
Keywords: Opopanax hispidus;Apiaceae;extracts;antioxidant;antimicrobial activity
Issue Date: 23-Nov-2015
Journal: LEKOVITE SIROVINE Zbornik radova / MATIÈRES MÉDICALES Recueil des travaux
The present study was aimed to investigate antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of methanol and ethyl-acetate extracts from dried aerial parts, inflorescences and fruits of Opopanax hispidus (Friv.) Griseb., fam. Apiaceae. The antioxidant potential was evaluated with the help of two in vitro antioxidant models – DPPH and ABTS assays and estimation of total phenolic and flavonoids using spectrop...
DOI: 10.5937/leksir1535141M
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