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Title: Aromatic Plants from Western Balkans: A Potential Source of Bioactive Natural Compounds
Authors: Džamić, Ana 
Matejić, Jelena
Keywords: Western Balkans;ethnobiological studies;wild growing plants;essential oil;extract
Issue Date: 8-Mar-2017
Journal: Aromatic Plants from Western Balkans: A Potential Source of Bioactive Natural Compounds
Documentation of traditionally used aromatic and medical plants has been carried out in many European countries over the last several years. Over the last decade, the Western Balkans has become the area of a huge number of ethnobiological field studies. Many of those focused on Balkans ethnobotany are linked to the long and ongoing history of gathering and trading local wild aromatic and medicinal plants from this territory into Western European markets. But only less than a half percent of these have been studied for their chemical composition and medicinal value. The most investigated aromatic species in this area belongs to the few biggest families: Asteraceae, Apiaceae, Lamiaceae and Rosaceae. Medicinal value of plants lies in some chemical substances that produce physiological action on the human body, which leads to positive effect on health. Essential oils are secondary metabolites which are the most examined, as well as various plant extracts. Isolation and identification of the compounds in combination with its biological screening can considerably contribute to plant studies. Also, application of new activities and novel techniques for susceptibility testing provide better knowledge of wild growing medicinal plants as potential sources of biological agents and justified their traditional uses.
DOI: 10.5772/67039
Appears in Collections:Book Chapter

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