Dimkić, Ivica

Full Name
Dimkić, Ivica
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Results 201-211 of 211 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
201 | 1-Jun-2013 | Characterization and evaluation of two Bacillus strains, SS-12.6 and SS-13.1, as potential agents for the control of phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi | Dimkić, Ivica ; Živković, Svetlana; Berić, Tanja ; Ivanović, Žarko; Gavrilović, Veljko; Stanković, Slaviša ; Fira, Đorđe | M21 |
202 | 2013 | Planar chromatography and multivariate image analysis in classification and modeling of antioxidative and antimicrobial activity of propolis extracts | Ristivojević, P.; Andrić, F.Lj.; Trifković, J.Đ.; Dimkić, Ivica ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Tešić, Ž.Lj.; Milojković- Opsenica, D.M. | M34 |
203 | 2013 | Antimicrobial activity of new bacteriocin from Bacillus licheniformis VPS50.2 | Fira, Đorđe ; Draganić, V.D.; Dimkić, Ivica ; Berić, Tanja ; Stanković, Slaviša | M34 |
204 | 2013 | Antagonistic effect of Bacillus spp. on different phytopathogenic Agrobacterium isolates | Ivanović, Ž.; Gavrilović, V.; Živković, S.; Popović, T.; Dimkić, Ivica ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Fira, Đorđe | M34 |
205 | 2013 | Bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect of Serbian propolis against pathogenic bacteria | Stanković, Slaviša ; Dimkić, Ivica ; Ristivojević, P.; Berić, Tanja ; Draganić, V.D.; Fira, Đorđe | M34 |
206 | 2013 | Biocontrol activity of Bacillus strains against natural isolates of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis and their molecular characterization | Dimkić, Ivica ; Ivanović, Ž.; Berić, Tanja ; Gavrilović, V.; Draganić, V.D.; Fira, Đorđe ; Stanković, Slaviša | M34 |
207 | 29-Oct-2012 | Screening for the presence of biosynthetic genes for antimicrobial lipopeptides in natural isolates of Bacillus sp | Stanković, Slaviša ; Mihajlović, Sanja; Draganić, V.; Dimkić, Ivica ; Vukotić, Goran ; Berić, Tanja ; Fira, Djordje | M23 |
208 | 2012 | Antagonistička aktivnost prirodnih izolata Bacillus sp. prema fitopatogenim gljivama izolovanih iz lekovitog bilja | Dimkić, Ivica ; Stević, T.; Berić, Tanja ; Draganić, D.V.; Fira, Đorđe ; Stanković, Slaviša | M64 |
209 | 2012 | Antibacterial potential of Serbian propolis from different regions against most common pathogens | Dimkić, Ivica ; Ristivojević, P.; Berić, Tanja ; Dragojević, M.; Jovanović, T.; Stanković, Slaviša | M34 |
210 | 2011 | Distribution of biosynthetic genes for antimicrobial lipopeptides in natural isolates of Bacillus sp. | Mihajlović, S.; Draganić, V.; Dimkić, Ivica ; Vukotić, G.; Berić, Tanja ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Fira, Đorđe | M34 |
211 | 2011 | Biological control of postharvest fungal pathogens by Bacillus sp. 12.6 | Živković, S.; Ivanović, Ž.; Dimkić, Ivica ; Gavrilović, V.; Stanković, Slaviša ; Fira, Đorđe | M34 |