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Jevđović, Tanja
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Results 51-60 of 60 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
511-Feb-2005The effect of hypophysectomy on pancreatic islet hormone and insulin-like growth factor I content and mRNA expression in ratJevđović, Tanja ; Maake, Caroline; Zwimpfer, Cornelia; Krey, Gunthild; Eppler, Elisabeth; Zapf, Jürgen; Reinecke, Manfred
521-Aug-2004Effects of insulin-like growth factor-I treatment on the endocrine pancreas of hypophysectomized rats: Comparison with growth hormone replacementJevđović, Tanja ; Maake, C.; Eppler, E.; Zoidis, E.; Reinecke, M.; Zapf, Juergen
532-Apr-2004Effects of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I treatment on the endocrine pancreas of hypophysectomized (hypox) rats: comparison with growth hormone (GH) replacementMaake C; Jevđović, Tanja ; Eppler E; Zoidis E; Zapf J; Reinecke M
5424-Aug-2003Increased circulating or pancreatic insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I does not mediate the effects of growth hormone (GH) on insulin secretion in hypophysectomised ratsReinecke M; Jevđović, Tanja ; Maake C; Zapf J
559-May-2003Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I), but not growth hormone (GH) treatment of hypophysectomized rats enhances insulin sensitivityJevđović, Tanja ; Eppler, E; Maake, C; Reinecke, M; Zapf, J
5626-Apr-2003Effects of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) on insulin biosynthesis and secretion in hypophysectomized ratsJevđović, Tanja ; Maake C; Reinecke R; Zapf, J
3219-Mar-2003Growth Hormone (GH) and Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) Effects on Insulin Biosynthesis and Secretion in Rat Pancreas In VivoReinecke, M; Jevđović, Tanja ; Maake, C; Zapf, J
3319-Apr-2002Effect of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) on insulin mRNA and peptide expression in rat islets in vivoJevđović, Tanja ; Maake, C; Reinecke, M; Zapf, J
3421-Sep-2000The effects of cellular localization of progesteron receptor on activity of RNA polymerases.Jevđović, Tanja ; Isenović, Esma; Korićanac, Goran; Vulovic M; Ristic Z; Ribarac-Stepic N
351999The effects of estradiol-receptor complex on kinetic activity of RNA polymerases in isolated rat uterus nucleiKorićanac, Goran; Jevđović, Tanja ; Vulovic M; Ristic Z; Ribarac-Stepic N