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Krizmanić, Jelena
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Results 26-50 of 74 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
2612-Apr-2020Diatom diversity and seasonality in two rivers in SerbiaKrizmanić, Jelena ; Vidaković, Danijela; Ćirić, MilošM52
272020Seasonal Dynamics of Cyanobacteria and Algae in Biofilm from the Entrance of Two CavesPopović, Slađana ; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Vidaković, Danijela; Jakovljević, Olga ; Trbojević, Ivana ; Predojević, Dragana ; Vidović, Milka; Subakov-Simić, Gordana M22
282020New records of Navicula sensu stricto from Serbia with taxonomic notes and autecological characterization of Navicula splendicula and N. moskaliiVidakovic, Danijela; Jakovljević, Olga ; Lazović, Vladimir; Šovran, Sanja ; Krizmanić, Jelena M23
292020Changes in the diatom community in the great lake (Lurë National Park, Albania) from 2005 to 2017 and first steps towards assessment the water qualityVidaković, Danijela; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Ndoj, Eriselda; Miho, Aleko; Kupe, Lirika; Schneider, Susanne C.M23
302020Biofilms in caves: easy method for the assessment of dominant phototrophic groups/taxa in situPopović, Slađana ; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Vidaković, Danijela; Karadžić, Vesna; Milovanović, Željka; Pećić, Marija ; Subakov-Simić, Gordana M22
312020Genus Humidophila from caves in Serbia with an improved detailed description of rare H. brekkaensoidesNikolić, Nataša; Popović, Slađana ; Vidakovic, Danijela; Subakov-Simić, Gordana ; Krizmanić, Jelena M23
321-Sep-2019Periphyton development during summer stratification in the presence of a metalimnetic bloom of Planktothrix rubescensTrbojević, Ivana ; Blagojević, Ana; Kostić, Dušan; Marjanović, Prvoslav; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Popović, Slađana ; Subakov Simić, Gordana M22
332019Alkaline soda Lake Velika Rusanda (Serbia): the first insight into diatom diversity of this extreme saline lakeVidaković, Danijela; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Dojčinović, Biljana P.; Pantelić, Ana; Gavrilović, Bojan; Živanović, Milica; Novaković, Boris; Ćirić, MilošM23
342019Rare diatom Stauroneis balatonis Pantocsek recorded in Lake Savsko, SerbiaTrbojević, Ivana ; Simić, Gordana Subakov; Krizmanić, Jelena M23
352019Periphytic diatoms in the presence of a cyanobacterial bloom: A case study of the Vrutci Reservoir in SerbiaTrbojević, Ivana S. ; Predojević, Dragana D. ; Subakov-Simić, Gordana ; Krizmanić, Jelena M23
361-Sep-2018Uncertainty of using habitat fidelity in biomonitoring based on benthic diatoms - the Raška River case studyVidaković, Danijela P.; Radovanović, Sanja S.; Predojević, Dragana ; Šovran, Sanja I.; Živić, Ivana M. ; Stojanović, Katarina Z.; Krizmanić, Jelena M23
372018An updated list of Serbian diatom flora: New recorded taxaVidaković, Danijela P.; Jakovljević, Olga S. ; Predojević, Dragana D. ; Radovanović, Sanja M.; Subakov-Simić, Gordana V. ; Lazović, Vladimir M.; Krizmanić, Jelena M23
382018Diatom diversity and ecological status of the Lasovačka and Lenovačka streams near Zaječar: Consideration of WFD implementation in SerbiaĆirić, Miloš; Nikolić, Nataša; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Gavrilović, Bojan; Pantelić, Ana; Petrović, Vladimir M.M23
3920-Dec-2017Structure and succession of periphyton in an urban reservoir: Artificial substrate specificityTrbojević, Ivana ; Jovanović, Jelena; Kostić, Dušan; Popović, Slađana ; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Karadžić, Vesna; Subakov Simić, Gordana M23
4015-Dec-2017Contribution to the improvement of diatom-based assessments of the ecological status of large rivers – The Sava River Case StudyVasiljević, Božica; Simić, Snežana B.; Paunović, Momir; Zuliani, Tea; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Marković, Vanja; Tomović, JelenaM21a
411-Aug-2017Comparative study of the effects of a small-scale trout farm on the macrozoobenthos, potamoplankton, and epilithic diatom communitiesStojanović, Katarina ; Živić, Miroslav ; Dulić, Z.; Marković, Z.; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Milošević, Dj; Miljanović, B.; Jovanović, J.; Vidaković, D.; Živić, Ivana M22
421-Mar-2017Additional information on the distribution and ecology of the recently described diatom species Geissleria gereckeiVidakovic, Danijela; Cantonati, Marco; Mogna, Marcella; Jakovljević, Olga ; Šovran, Sanja ; Lazović, Vladimir; Stojanović, Katarina ; Đorđević, Jelena ; Krizmanić, Jelena M23
431-Oct-2016The application of benthic diatoms in water quality assessment (Mlava River, Serbia)Jakovljević, Olga S. ; Popović, Slađana S. ; Vidaković, Danijela P.; Stojanović, Katarina Z. ; Krizmanić, Jelena M23
441-Sep-2016Benthic diatoms of the Vrla River (Serbia) and their application in the water ecological status assessmentJakovljević, Olga ; Popović, Slađana ; Živić, Ivana ; Stojanović, Katarina ; Krizmanić, Jelena M23
452016Algal Diversity аlong the Serbian Stretch of the Sava RiverMarinković, Nikola; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Karadžić, Vesna; Karadžić, Branko; Vasiljević, Božica; Paunović, Momir.M24
462016First record of the genus Decussata (Patrick) Lange-Bertalot (Bacillariophyta) in Serbia-distribution of the rare species D. hexagona (Torka) Lange-BertalotKrizmanić, Jelena ; Jakovljević, Olga ; Vidaković, Danijela; Jovanović, JelenaM24
472016Diatoms from a peat bog on the Pešter plateau (southwestern Serbia): New records for diatom flora of SerbiaVidaković, Danijela; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Šovran, Sanja ; Cvijan, MirkoM23
482016Distribution of invasive species Actinocyclus normanii (Hemidiscaceae, Bacillariophyta) in SerbiaVidaković, D.; Krizmanić, J. ; Subakov-Simić, G. ; Karadžić, V.M24
492016Qualitative and quantitative composition of the algal community in the water column of the grliste reservoir (Eastern Serbia)Gavrilović, Bojan; Popović, Slađana ; Ćirić, Miloš; Subakov Simić, Gordana ; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Vidović, MilkaM24
501-Dec-2015Driving factors affecting spatial and temporal variations in the structure of phytoplankton functional groups in a temperate reservoirĆirić, Miloš; Gavrilović, Bojan; Subakov Simić, Gordana ; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Vidović, Milka; Zebić, GoranM23