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Živić, Ivana
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Results 101-110 of 110 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
1012010Male genitalia of the species of the subfamily Agathidinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and their importance in taxonomyBrajković, M.; Stanisavljević, Lj. ; Nikolić, Z.; Ćurčić, S. ; Živić, I. ; Stojanović D.M23
1021-Dec-2009Influence of a trout farm on macrozoobenthos communities of the Trešnjica River, SerbiaŽivić, Ivana ; Marković, Z.; Živić, Miroslav 
1031-Dec-2009Influence of a Trout farm on water quality and macrozoobenthos communities of the receiving stream (Trešnjica river, Serbia)Živić, Ivana ; Marković, Zoran; Filipović-Rojka, Zdenka; Živić, Miroslav 
1042009New records of Helicopsyche bacescui (Trichoptera, Helicopsychidae) from the Balkan Peninsula with notes on its habitatŽivić, Ivana ; Marković, Zoran; Simić, V.; Kucinić, M.M23
1052009Influence of abiotic and biotic environmental factors on weight gain of cultured carp on a carp farmMarković, Zoran; Dulić, Zorka; Živić, Ivana ; Mitrović-Tutundžić, VeraM23
1062009Assessment of the water quality of aquatic resources using biological methodsDulić, Zorka; Poleksić, Vesna; Rašković, Božidar; Lakić, Nada; Marković, Zoran; Živić, Ivana ; Stanković, MarkoM23
1072008Estimation of irrigation water quality using coliform bacteria, zooplankton and zoobenthos as indicatorsDulić, Zorka; Kljujev, Igor; Raičević, Vera; Živić, Ivana ; Marković, Zoran; Stanković, Marko; Poleksić, VesnaM52
108Jun-2007Southernmost finding in Europe of Aphelocheirus aestivalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aphelocheiridae)Živić, Ivana ; Protić, Ljiljana; Marković, ZoranM23
109Jan-2007Distribution of the species Gammarus balcanicus and Gammarus fossarum on the territory of Serbia (central part of the Balkan peninsula)Živić, Ivana ; Marković, ZoranM23
1102006Effects of light on growth of carp (Cyprinus carpio)Marković, Zoran; Živić, Ivana ; Stanković, Marko; Spasić M.; Jovanović, Bogdan M51