Tomović, Ljiljana

Full Name
Tomović, Ljiljana
Main Affiliation

Results 1-25 of 70 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
1 | 15-Oct-2022 | Faunistic and population studies of freshwater turtles in North Macedonia | Maričić, Marko ; Arsovski, Dragan; Bjelica, Vukašin ; Stojanovski, Dario; Frcovski, Edi; Golubović, Ana ; Tomović, Ljiljana | M34 |
27 | 15-Oct-2022 | A twist of fate: Conversation of Lake Prespa’s iconic snakes | Bjelica, Vukašin ; Maričić, Marko ; Andjelković, Marko; Golubović, Ana ; Ajtic, Rastko; Sterijovski, Bogoljub; Arsovski, Dragan; Tomović, Ljiljana ; Bonnet, Xavier. | M34 |
28 | 15-Oct-2022 | Establishment of ecological networks (including Natura 2000) in Serbia – field studies of batracho- and herpetofauna | Tomović, Lj. ; Vučić, T. ; Andjelković, M.; Bjelica, V. ; Maričić, M. ; Lakušić, M. ; Danon, G.; Urošević, A.; Ivanović, A. | M34 |
29 | 15-Oct-2022 | Body condition index can help assess foraging opportunity and fecundity in the Hermann's tortoise | Аrsovski, D.; Stojanoski, V.; Golubović, A. ; Bonnet, X.; Tomović, L. | M34 |
30 | 5-Sep-2022 | Brutal tortoise kismet: causes and consequences of extreme sex-ratio bias and insufferable sexual conflict | Аrsovsk, D.; Tomović, L. ; Golubović, A. ; Besnard, A.; Bonnet, X. | M34 |
31 | 5-Sep-2022 | Drop dead gorgeous: death feigning beaviour in three distinct colour morphs of dice snakes | Bjelica, V. ; Maričić, M. ; Anđelković, M.; Lakušić, M. ; Arsovski, D.; Tomović, Lj. ; Golubović, A. | M34 |
32 | 5-Sep-2022 | Establishment of ecological networks in Serbia – field research of batracho- and herpetofauna | Tomović, Lj. ; Vučić, T. ; Anđelković, M.; Bjelica, V. ; Maričić, M. ; Lakušić, M.; Danon, G.; Urošević, A.; Ivanović, A. | M34 |
33 | 4-Sep-2022 | Barking Dogs Never Bite: Bluffing Behaviour in Dice Snakes (Natrix tessellata) | Bjelica, V. ; Andjelković, M.; Lakušić, M. ; Maričić, M. ; Arsovski, D.; Tomović, Lj. ; Golubović, A. | M34 |
34 | 4-Sep-2022 | Food for thought: Venom composition of Vipera ammodytes from the island and mainland population is likely related with diet | Lakušić, Margareta ; Damm, Maik; Bjelica, Vukašin ; Andjelković, Marko; Tomović, Ljiljana ; Bonnet, Xavier; Süssmuth, Roderich D.; Calvete, Juan J.; Martínez-Freiría, Fernando | M34 |
35 | 4-Sep-2022 | What steers you to turn over? Analyses of European Pond Turtle righting success and performance | Maričić, M. ; Bjelica, V. ; Tomović, Lj. ; Golubović, A. | M34 |
61 | 4-Sep-2022 | Drop dead gorgeous: death feigning behaviour in three distinct colour morphs of dice snakes | Bjelica, V. ; Maričić, M. ; Andjelković, M.; Lakušić, M. ; Arsovski, D.; Tomović, Lj. ; Golubović, A. | M34 |
62 | 4-Sep-2022 | Updated distribution of the endangered and highly specialized meadow viper (Vipera ursinii macrops) in Serbia | Lakušić, M. ; Bjelica, V. ; Andjelković, M.; Tomović, Lj. | M34 |
63 | Nov-2020 | Diverzitet zmija okoline Trebinja | Šukalo, Goran; Dmitrović, Dejan; Nikolić, Sonja ; Tomović, Ljiljana | |
64 | 6-Sep-2019 | Oscar deserving performance: death-feigning in dice snakes | Golubović, Ana ; Andjelković, Marko; Gvozdenović, Slađana; Šukalo, Goran; Tomović, Ljiljana ; Bonnet, Xavier | |
65 | 2019 | Wild populations of Hermann’s tortoise in central part of Balkan Peninsula | Golubović, Ana ; Nikolić, Sonja ; Bonnet, Xavier; Arsovski, Dragan; Tomović, Ljiljana | |
66 | 2019 | Population characteristics of the nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes) on Golem Grad Island (North Macedonia) | Tomović, Ljiljana ; Arsovski, Dragan; Golubović, Ana ; Nikolić, Sonja ; Anđelković, Marko; Sterijovski, Bogoljub; Ajtić, Rastko; Crnobrnja-Isailović, Jelka; Bonnet, Xavier | |
67 | 26-Oct-2016 | Morphological analysis of 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘱. from area of Stara Planina Mountains and Pannonian lowlands in Serbia | Miličić, Dragana ; Trajković, Jelena ; Pavković Lučić, Sofija ; Savić, Tatjana; Tomović, Ljiljana | M34 |
68 | 2016 | Sexual dimorphism and allometry of sand lizards from Bistra mt., FYR Macedonia – Preliminary results | Anđelković, Marko; Urošević, Aleksandar; Golubović, Ana ; Nikolić, Sonja ; Tomović, Ljiljana | |
69 | 2016 | Conservation of Reptiles in the central Balkans – de jure & de facto | Tomović, Ljiljana | |
70 | 18-Sep-2015 | Threatening levels and extinction risks based on distributional, ecological and life-history datasets (DELH) versus IUCN criteria – example of Serbian reptiles | Tomović, Ljiljana ; Urošević, Aleksandar; Vukov, Tanja; Ajtić, Rastko; Ljubisavljević, Katarina; Krizmanić, Imre ; Jović, Danko; Labus, Nenad; Đorđević, Sonja ; Kalezić, Miloš L.; Džukić, Georg; Luiselli, Luca | M34 |
71 | 19-Aug-2015 | Results of project of DNA sampling of Emys orbicularis in Serbia – conservation issues | Tomović, Ljiljana ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Đorđević, Sonja ; Golubović, Ana | M34 |
72 | 2015 | Red Book of Fauna of Serbia I & II – Amphibians & Reptiles | Tomović, Ljiljana | |
73 | 2015 | Sexual dimorphism, diet and reproduction of the grass snake (Natrix natrix) in the region of the marshy-pond ecosystem Bardača (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina) | Šukalo, Goran; Nikolić, Sonja ; Tomović, Ljiljana | |
74 | 2015 | Ekologija bjelouške (Natrix natrix) na području močvarnog ekosistema Bardača | Šukalo, Goran; Nikolić, Sonja ; Tomović, Ljiljana | |
75 | 2015 | Populaciona istraživanja šarenog daždevnjaka (Salamandra salamandra) na području Banja Luke | Šukalo, Goran; Malidža, Sanja; Golub, Dragojla; Dmitrović, Dejan; Nikolić, Sonja ; Tomović, Ljiljana |