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Stevanović, Milena
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Results 76-100 of 106 (Search time: 0.019 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
7623-Dec-2008PCR amplification and sequence analysis of the rat SOX3 geneKrstić, A.; Mojsin, Marija; Kovačević-Grujičič, Nataša; Stevanović, Milena 
77Dec-2008Up-regulation of the SOX3 gene expression by retinoic acid: Characterization of the novel promoter-response element and the retinoid receptors involvedNikčević, Gordana; Savić, Tijana; Kovačević-Grujičić, Nataša; Stevanović, Milena 
10315-Oct-2008Trans-activation of the human SOX3 promoter by MAZ in NT2/d1 cellsKovacevic-Grujicic, Nataša; Yokoyama, Kazunari K.; Stevanović, Milena 
29Oct-2008Pattern of trisomy 1q in hematological malignancies: a single institution experienceDjordjević, Vesna; Denčić-Fekete, Marija; Jovanović, Jelica; Drakulić, Danijela; Stevanović, Milena ; Janković, Gradimir; Gotić, Mirjana
30Oct-2008A rare association of interrupted aortic arch type C and microdeletion 22q11.2Cuturilo, Goran; Drakulic, Danijela; Stevanović, Milena ; Jovanovic, Ida; Djukic, Milan; Miletic-Grkovic, Slobodanka; Atanaskovic-Markovic, Marina
31Jun-2008Comparison of promoter regions of SOX3, SOX14 and SOX18 orthologs in mammalsKovacevic-Grujicic, Natasa; Mojsin, Marija; Djurovic, Jelena; Petrovic, Isidora; Stevanović, Milena 
3215-Nov-2007Regulation of SOX3 gene expression is driven by multiple NF-Y binding elementsKrstic, Aleksandar; Mojsin, Marija; Stevanović, Milena 
33Dec-2006Mapping of the RXRα binding elements involved in retinoic acid induced transcriptional activation of the human SOX3 geneMojsin, Marija; Grujičić, Nataša Kovačević; Nikčević, Gordana; Krstić, Aleksandar; Savić, Tijana; Stevanović, Milena 
342-Jul-2006Four years of remission in the first Unverricht- Lundborg case in the Balkan regionErcegovac, M.; Stevanović, M. ; Beslać Bumbasirević, L.; Jovanović, D.; Romac, S.; Ercegovac, D.M34
352006Rapid detection and purification of sequence specific DNA binding proteins using magnetic separationMojsin, Marija; Djurović, Jelena; Petrović, Isidora; Krstić, Aleksandar; Drakulić, Danijela; Savić, Tijana; Stevanović, Milena 
36Jul-2005Purification and functional analysis of the recombinant protein isolated from E. coli by employing three different methods of bacterial lysisMojsin, Marija; Nikčević, Gordana; Grujičić, Nataša Kovačević; Savić, Tijana; Petrović, Isidora; Stevanović, Milena 
373-Jan-2005Functional characterization of the human SOX3 promoter: Identification of transcription factors implicated in basal promoter activityKovacevic Grujicic, Natasa; Mojsin, Marija; Krstic, Aleksandar; Stevanović, Milena 
382005Linkage analysis by microsatellite repeats on a Duchenne muscular dystrophy family: a case reportKeckarević-Marković, Milica ; Dobričić, V.; Stevanović, M. ; Šarić, M.; Savić, D.; Keckarević, Dušan ; Romac, S.M34
395-Oct-2004Structural and functional characterization of the human SOX14 promoterDjurovic, Jelena; Stevanović, Milena 
40Sep-2003Improved transfection efficiency of cultured human cellsNikcevic, Gordana; Kovacevic-Grujicic, Natasa; Stevanović, Milena 
41Jun-2003Modulation of SOX2 and SOX3 gene expression during differentiation of human neuronal precursor cell line NTERA2Stevanović, Milena 
42Jan-2002Tetraploidy in a 26-month-old girl (cytogenetic and molecular studies)Guc-Scekic, Marija; Milasin, J.; Stevanović, Milena ; Stojanov, L. J.; Djordjevic, M.
4321-Jun-2000The human SOX18 gene: cDNA cloning and high resolution mappingStanojčić, Slavica; Stevanović, Milena 
4415-Feb-1999High-resolution human/goat comparative map of the goat polled/intersex syndrome (PIS): The human homologue is contained in a human YAC from HSA3q23Vaiman, Daniel; Schibler, Laurent; Oustry-Vaiman, Anne; Pailhoux, Eric; Goldammer, Tom; Stevanović, Milena ; Furet, Jean Pierre; Schwerin, Manfred; Cotinot, Corinne; Fellous, Marc; Cribiu, Edmond P.
70Dec-1998cDNA characterization and high resolution mapping of the human SOX20 geneVujić, M.; Rajić, T.; Goodfellow, P. N.; Stevanović, Milena 
711998Characterisation and mapping of the human SOX14 geneArsic, N; Rajic, T; Stanojcic, S; Goodfellow, P N; Stevanović, Milena 
72Feb-1996A comparison of the properties of Sox-3 with Sry and two related genes, Sox-1 and Sox-2Collignon, Jérôme; Sockanathan, Shanthini; Hacker, Adam; Cohen-Tannoudji, Michel; Norris, Dominic; Rastan, Sohaila; Stevanović, Milena ; Goodfellow, Peter N.; Lovell-Badge, Robin
7325-Nov-1995The role of SOX9 in autosomal sex reversal and campomelic dysplasiaSchafer, A. J.; Dominguez-Steglich, M. A.; Guioli, S.; Kwok, C.; Weller, P. A.; Stevanović, Milena ; Weissenbach, J.; Mansour, S.; Young, I. D.; Goodfellow, P. N.
748-Dec-1994Campomelic dysplasia and autosomal sex reversal caused by mutations in an SRY-related geneFoster, Jamie W.; Dominguez-Steglich, Marina A.; Guioli, Silvana; Kwok, Cheni; Weller, Polly A.; Stevanović, Milena ; Weissenbach, Jean; Mansour, Sahar; Young, Ian D.; Goodfellow, Peter N.; Brook, J. David; Schafer, Alan J.
150Oct-1994The cDNA sequence and chromosomal location of the human SOX2 geneStevanović, Milena ; Zuffardi, O.; Collignon, J.; Lovell-Badge, R.; Goodfellow, P.