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Korać, Aleksandra
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Results 1-25 of 122 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
18-Oct-2024Three methods of isolating EVs from pleural effusion samples of patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma - potential applications in clinical practice?Vuković, M.; Filipović, L.; Petrović, N.; Zečević, A.; Kosanović, M.; Tanić, M.; Janković, R.; Stanojković, T.; Popović, M.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Čavić, A.M34
227-Sep-2024IMPACT OF HYPOTHYROIDISM ON CuZnSOD AND MnSOD DURING SPERMATOGENESIS IN RATSProtić, I.; Aleksić, Marija ; Golić, Igor ; Janković, A.; Korać, Bato ; Korać, Aleksandra M34
327-Sep-2024INSULIN MODULATES MITOCHONDRIAL STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL MOSAICISM IN BROWN ADIPOCYTESGolić, Igor ; Aleksić, Marija ; Stojanović, Sara ; Zakić, T.; Janković, A.; Korać, Bato ; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Korać, Aleksandra M34
49-Sep-2024Transmission electron microscopy of crude hemolysate of rat erythrocytes as a basis for fast protein content screeningStojanović, Sara ; Grčić, Lj.; Korać, Aleksandra M34
621-Sep-2023Sex-dependent differences in dermal white adipose tissue associated with the scalp pilosebaceous unit in the development of androgenetic alopeciaAleksić, Marija ; Andjelkov, K.; Korać, Aleksandra M34
719-Jun-2023Hyperinsulinemia in Brown Adipocytes: Both insulin and phosphorylated insulin receptor enter the nucleus and reside in heterochromatin regionStojanović, Sara ; Golić, Igor ; Aleksić, Marija ; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Korać, Aleksandra M34
811-Jun-2023Mitochondrial alterations in sirtuin1 heterozygous mice fed high fat diet and melatoninStacchiotti, Alessandra; Arnaboldi, Francesca; Favero, Gaia; Korać, Aleksandra ; Monsalve, Maria; Rezzani, RitaM34
911-Jun-2023Mitochondrial metabolism in breast cancer and cancer-associated adipose tissueJanković, Aleksandra; Zakić, Tamara; Budnar Šoškić, Marta; Srdić Galić, Biljana; Korać, Aleksandra ; Korać, BatoM34
106-Jun-2023The Discrepancy Between Morphological and Functional Activation of Brown Adipose Tissue in the Absence of Functional NRF2, FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINEZakić, Tamara; Šoškić-Budnar Marta; Stojanović, Sara ; Janković, Aleksandra; Korać, Aleksandra ; Peković-Vaughan, Vanja; Korać, Bato M34
116-Jun-2023Alterations of Antioxidant Defence in the Rat Liver in Methimazole-Induced Hypothyroidism, FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINEAddloli, Ahsein; Janković, Aleksandra; Aleksić, Marija ; Golić, Igor ; Korać, Bato ; Korać, Aleksandra M34
126-Jun-2023NRF2 Coordinates Redox-Metabolic Homeostasis Required for Lipid Deposition in Rat Visceral Adipose Tissue During the Re-Acclimation of Rats After Cold, FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINEŠoškic-Budnar, Marta; Zakić, Tamara; Korać, Aleksandra ; Korać, Bato ; Janković, AleksandraM34
1324-May-2023Redox and metabolic reprogramming in breast cancer and cancer-associated adipose tissueJanković, A.; Zakić, T.; Šoškić, M.B.; Galić, B.S.; Korać, A. ; Korać, B. M34
1421-Sep-2022Histološke analize ovarijuma i ultrastrukturne karakteristike ćelija folikularnog kanala vrste Lepidurus couesii Packard, 1875 (Crustacea, Notostraca) iz SrbijeŠaganović, I.; Korać, A. ; Aleksić, M. ; Tomić ,V.; Miličić, D. M34
1528-Jul-2022Peroxisomal biogenesis in WAT depots of hypothyroid ratsAleksić, M. ; Golić, I. ; Korać, A. M34
16Sep-2021Antioxidants between supplementation and therapy: current situation and perspectives in skinKorać, Bato ; Kalezic, Andjelika; Korać, Aleksandra ; Jankovic, Aleksandra
17Sep-2021Redox homeostasis and Warburg effect at the interface of cancer-adipose tissue cooperationKalezic, Andjelika; Udicki, Mirjana; Srdic Galic, Biljana; Korać, Aleksandra ; Jankovic, Aleksandra; Korać, Bato 
18Sep-2021Postnatal and aged rat skin: a new perspective on redox regulation versus free radical theory of ageingJanković, Aleksandra; Kalezić, Andjelika; Korać, Aleksandra ; Korać, Bato 
19Sep-2021Nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide producing enzymes in the skin of hibernating ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus)Budnar, Marta; Djuric, Strahinja; Zakic, Tamara; Kalezic, Andjelika; Korać, Aleksandra ; Jankovic, Aleksandra; Korać, Bato M34
20Sep-2021Correlative collagen imaging in health and diseasesKorać, Aleksandra ; Jankovic, Aleksandra; Korać, Bato 
21Aug-2021Translation of killing based into differentiation based therapy of malignant diseases using nanotechnology: Getting out of the vicious circleMijatović, Sanja; Korać, Aleksandra ; Kaluđerović, Goran N; Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela
22Aug-2021Peroxisomal cooperation with mitochondria and lipid bodies in brown adipocytes of hypothyroid ratsAleksić, Marija ; Kalezić, A; Korać, Bato ; Janković, A; Korać, Aleksandra M34
23Jun-2021Different immunoexpression of NOSs in testes of hypothyroid ratsProtić, Isidora; Aleksić, Marija ; Golić, Igor ; Kalezić, Andjelika; Janković, Aleksandra; Korać, Bato ; Korać, Aleksandra M34
24Jun-2021Immunocytochemical localization of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) in DuchenneBecker patients’ erythrocytesMarin, Marija ; Stojanović, Sara; Korać, Aleksandra M34
25Jun-2021Fractal analysis of chromatin condensation in the human sperm nucleiGolić, Igor ; Aleksić, Marija ; Kalezić, Andjelika; Janković, Aleksandra; Korać, Bato ; Korać, Aleksandra M34