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Matić, Gordana
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Results 101-121 of 121 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
1011995Tyrosine aminotransferase activity in liver of rats exposed to hyperthermic stressMatić, G. ; Vidović, S.; Čvoro, A. ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.M34
1021994Synthesis and phosphorylation of hepatic proteins in rats exposed to hyperthermic shockButorović, B.; Matić, Gordana ; Kipić, J.; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.
1031992DNA-binding and non-DNA-binding forms of the transformed glucocorticoid receptorHutchison, K. A.; Matić, Gordana ; Czar, M. J.; Pratt, W. B.
1041992In vivo effects of cadmium on rat liver glucocorticoid receptor functional propertiesDundjerski, J.; Stanošević, J.; Ristić, B.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana 
1051991Cadmium-induced glucocorticoid receptor modification and metallothionein synthesis in rat liverDundjerski, J.; Ristić, B.; Stanošević, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana 
1061991Redox manipulation of DNA binding activity and BuGR epitope reactivity of the glucocorticoid receptorHutchison, K. A.; Matić, Gordana ; Meshinchi, S.; Bresnick, E.H.; Pratt, W.B.
1071990Stress-induced alterations in hepatic polysomal fraction and S6 kinase activity of the ratŠuša, M.; Matić, Gordana ; Petrović, J.; Trajković, D.
1081990Selective molybdate-directed covalent modification of sulfhydryl groups in the streoid binding versus the DNA binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptorMeshinchi, S.; Matić, Gordana ; Hutchison, K. A.; Pratt, W. B.
1091990Modifications of rat liver glucocorticoid receptor by insulin-induced hypoglycemiaMatić, Gordana ; Trajković, D.; Damjanović, S.; Petrović, J.
1101989In vitro evidence for modification of rat liver glucocorticoid receptor binding properties and transformation by hyperthermiaMatić, Gordana ; Trajković, D.; Šuša, M.; Damjanović, S.; Petrović, J.
1111988Characterization of rat liver glucocorticoid receptor in insulin-induced hypoglycemic stressMatić, Gordana ; Trajković, D.; Šuša, M.; Damjanović, S.; Petrović, J.
121986Early decrease in phosphorylation and kinase activity of rat liver soluble proteins induced by cortisolMatić, Gordana ; Trajković, D.; Šoškić, V.
131986The effect of alkaline phosphatase on the activation of glucocorticoid-receptor complexes in rat liver cytosolMatić, Gordana ; Trajković, D.
141986The response of rat central dopaminergic system to nesdonal and hyperthermic shockŠoškić, V.; Trajković, D.; Petrović, J.; Matić, Gordana ; Damjanović, S.; Šuša, M.
151985ATP-dependent alterations in rat hepatic glucocorticoid receptor binding properties and transformationMatić, Gordana ; Trajković, D.
161982Alpha1-antitrypsin genetic phenotypes in a group of children suffering from pulmonary diseasesPetrović, J.; Trajković, D.; Radojčić, M.; Matić, Gordana ; Milovanov, N.; Todorović, O.
171981The effect of trichlorphon on some biochemical parameters in blood of laboratory ratsPetrović, J.; Trajković, D.; Janić-Šibalić, V.; Matić, Gordana ; Radojčić, M.; Milić, B.; Spasić, M.; Saičić, Z.
181981Purification of human blood platelet dopamine receptors by affinity chromatography.Petrović, J.; Šoškić, V.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana ; Kidrič, M.
191981Effects of trichlorphon and parathion on steroid hormones binding to cytosol receptors of different target tissues of ratsTrajković, D.; Matić, Gordana ; Radojčić, M.; Petrović, J.
201980The role of steroid hormones in the synthesis of serum proteinsTrajković, D.; Bogić, Lj.; Blečić, Gordana 
211979The structure and regulatory function(s) of cortisol receptor. 1: Extragenomic effects dependent on the cortisol receptor activation.Kanazir, D.; Ribarac-Stepić, N.; Trajković, D.; Blečić, Gordana ; Radojčić, M.; Metlaš, R.; Stefanović, D.; Katan, M.; Perišić, O.; Popić, S.; Djordjević-Marković, R.