Browsing by Subject Human

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
19-Sep-2022Genomic analysis of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Kentucky isolates from humans, turkey, and food in the Republic of SerbiaJovčić, B. ; Malešević, M.; Kojić, M.; Galić, N.; Todorović, D.; Vidanović, D.; Velhner, M.M22
2006Histological characteristics of healthy animal peritoneumTrbojević, Jasna; Nešić, D.; Laušević, Ž; Obradović, Miljana; Brajušković, Goran ; Stojimirović, Biljana
1-May-2007Insulin-Like growth factor-I mRNA and peptide in the human anterior pituitaryJevđović, Tanja ; Bernays, R. L.; Eppler, Elisabeth