Browsing by Author Glamuzina, Branko

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
1-Jun-2017Comparison of Taxon-Specific and Taxon-Generic Risk Screening Tools to Identify Potentially Invasive Non-native Fishes in the River Neretva Catchment (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia)Glamuzina, Branko; Tutman, Pero; Nikolić, Vera ; Vidović, Zoran; Pavličević, Jerko; Vilizzi, Lorenzo; Copp, Gordon H.; Simonović, Predrag 
2020Quantifying current and future risks of invasiveness of non‐native aquatic species in highly urbanised estuarine ecosystems—A case study of the River Neretva Estuary (Eastern Adriatic Sea: Croatia and Bosnia–Herzegovina)Glamuzina, Branko; Tutman, Pero; Glamuzina, Luka; Vidović, Zoran; Simonović, Predrag ; Vilizzi, LorenzoM22
2010Some reproductive patterns of the sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Walb, 1792), in Boka Kotorska Bay (Montenegro, southern Adriatic Sea)Pešić, Ana; Đurović, Mirko; Joksimović, Aleksandar; Regner, Slobodan; Simonović, Predrag ; Glamuzina, Branko