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Title: Introduction to European Wild Bees
Authors: Stanisavljević, Ljubiša 
Issue Date: 28-Feb-2025
Rank: M13
Publisher: Springer Nature Link
Start page: 3
End page: 20
This extensive overview investigates the essential role of wild bees, including solitary bees and bumblebees, in the maintenance of biodiversity and sustaining ecosystems. Focusing on European wild bees, this chapter highlights their diverse adaptations and behaviours, emphasizing their impact on biodiversity, ecosystem support and agricultural productivity. Emphasis is placed on the intricate relationship between wild bees and flowers, particularly their vital role in pollination, which is crucial for approximately 75% of plant species. This chapter stresses the importance of acknowledging these challenges in the implementation of effective conservation measures for wild bees, including habitat preservation, reduced pesticide use and sustainable agricultural practices. In its focus on the economic valuation of pollination services, it introduces the concept of pollination value. This chapter summarizes the multifaceted exploration of wild bees, spanning their ecological, biological, economic and conservation aspects, portraying their intricate dance as essential for ecosystem health, global biodiversity and food security.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-76742-5_1
Appears in Collections:Book Chapter

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