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Title: Occurence of parasitic ciliates on perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in Lake Vlasinsko
Authors: Nikolić, Vera 
Simonović, Predrag 
Issue Date: 1996
Journal: Annales Zoologici Fennici
Volume: 33
Issue: 3-4
Start page: 707
End page: 710
In the sample of 83 specimens of the perch (Perca fluviatilis L., 1758), caught on eight different sampling sites at the Vlasinsko Lake reservoir, in April—October 1993, 25 infested specimens were found. They were infested with the following species of parasitic ciliates: Trichodinella epizootica, Apiosoma robustum, Apiosoma piscicolum ssp. perci, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Chilodonella cyprini and Chilodonella hexasticha. The most intensive infestation with all quoted parasitic ciliates was registered in April. Only Ichthyophthirius multifiliis infested the perch intensively in July. Trichodinella epizootica and Apiosoma robustum revealed both the highest prevalence and intensity of infestation. Regarding the localization of the parasitic species, Trichodinella epizootica and Apiosoma robustum had a much stronger affinity for the gills than for the skin of the perch.
PERCIS II: Second International Percid Fish Symposium Vaasa, Finland, 21—25 August 1995 (1996)
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