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Title: First record of Paralemanea torulosa (Roth) Sheath & A.R. Sherwood and new findings of Lemanea fluviatilis (Linnaeus) C. Ag. and Hildenbrandia rivularis (Liebmann) J. Agardh (Rhodophyta) in Serbia
Authors: Blagojević, Ana
Simić, Gordana Subakov
Blaženčić, Jelena
Ilić, Marija
Petrović, Jelena
Kostić, Dušan
Marjanović, Prvoslav
Keywords: Algae;Hildenbrandia;Lemanea;Paralemanea;Rhodophyta;Serbia
Issue Date: 2017
Journal: Botanica Serbica
© 2017 Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden Jevremovac, Belgrade. The paper presents the first record of the freshwater red alga Paralemanea torulosa and new findings of the species Lemanea fluviatilis and Hildenbrandia rivularis in Serbia. The existence of all three species was recorded in the upper reaches of clean fast-flowing rivers and brooks belonging to the basin of the Danube River. Lemanea fluviatilis was found in the Dojkinacka River in Eastern Serbia, while Paralemanea torulosa was recorded in the Drina River and Hildenbrandia rivularis in the Cvetica Brook and Bioštanska Banja Brook in Western Serbia. These reports are important for conservation of the biodiversity of Serbia, since it is well known that freshwater red algae are endangered and rare species (taxa) in many countries. In Serbia they are under strict protection of the law.
ISSN: 1821-2158
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.454096
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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